Sunday, September 27, 2009

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Life is a paid sabbatical...
... of course, it depends on your perspective towards life too. If everything seems a chore and an effort, then either you have made some seriously wrong decisions or your negative attitude is over-riding the joy of life. To enjoy each moment, is the privilege of a few. But to mostly go through and enjoy the larger parts, is an opportunity that can easily be seized by the generally logical, mostly common sensical human beings. And if you're still not doing that despite the above two attributes, you may somewhere be quite suicidal in your approach to enjoyment. Life always gives us two choices - to grin and bear what we're lumped with, or to crib all the way through. Which way do you go?

How Ugly Is Our Earth?

An Exhibtion by Me...

Acrylics & Oils on Canvas
Visual Arts Gallery, India Habitat Centre
Oct 1 – 6, 2009

When you want to pull your kids to lie down in the grass, and count the stars at night, what happens? A simple childhood game for people of my generation, becomes a sad story.
Because, there are no visible stars in the sky.

It’s a world gone wrong at every step. The woods are empty, the waters are muddy, the rivers are drying, and hence, the species in the forests and rivers diminishing, along with the forests and rivers themselves.
How long will it be before we wake up? Will we wait till every child born is asthmatic? Every city begins to have unpredictable weather? Every rare species is wiped out? Every river has either dried up or is a nala? Every street has water shortages?
When will it be too late? Isn’t it already too late? The Ugly Earth attempts to wake you up to that fact.